Monthly meetings

NOVEMBER 2023 - Cloud
Introduction: Jim Nelson
DISA J9 Hosting and Compute Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC): James Retallick
JWCC Memo/CATMS Action: Aaron Cummings
TRMC Cloud Hybrid Edge to Enterprise Evaluation and Test Analysis Suite (CHEETAS) Ryan Norman
Open Discussion: Q&A

OCTOBER 2023 - Software Factory Deep-dive
Capt Matthew Robinson, Modeling and Simulation Officer, LtCol Charlie Bahk, Deputy Commandant for Information: Marine Corps Software Factory
Deborah Cessna: Navy DNA Nucleus
Keely Albrecht, Product Owner DevSecOps: Black Pearl and MCBOSS
Open Discussion: Q&A
Closing Remarks
10-12-2023 DevSecOps CoP - Software Factories Deep Dive FINAL.pdf

September 2023 - Software Acquisition Pathway
Scott Smith, Software Acquisition Pathway Lead, OUSD (A&S) and team: “Software Pathway Update for the DevSecOps Community of Practice”
Jonathan Lister, Operations Research Analyst, AFCAA, Steven Cox, Tecolote Research, Inc.: “Cost Estimating for Software Acquisition Pathway Programs”
Ipek Ozkaya, Technical Director, Engineering Intelligent Software Solutions, Brigid O’Hearn, Senior Software Acquisition Innovation Specialist, SEI: “FY2022 NDAA Section 835 Independent Study on Technical Debt in Software-Intensive Systems”
Closing Remarks – Rob Vietmeyer
09-14-2023 DevSecOps CoP - Software Acquistion Pathway FINAL.pdf

August 2023 - Training - Our 50th Session!
Tom Morton, Lead for Application Management - Advana
Allan Dianic, Director, Software Engineering, OUSD (R&E), Dave Pearson, DAU, and Team
Alfredo Rodriguez III, Enterprise Cyberspace Workforce Program Manager, US Marine Corps Information Development Institute and Daryck Fickel, Cyber Workforce Analyst
Dr. Tanya L Johnson, Management & Program Analyst, DODHRA/DCPAS, Katharine Thomas, DAU, and Ayanna Baker

JULY 2023 - Large Language Models/ChatGPT
Schuyler Moore Chief Technical Officer, CENTCOM
Seth Morrell Policy Advisor, OSD OUSD Policy
Diane Staheli Responsible AI SME, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Nic Chaillan Former CSO of the Air Force and Space Force

JUNE 2023 - FinOps
Melvin Brown, Deputy Chief Information Officer, U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Nathan Cost, CAMO and CSMS Program Manager US Army ECMA and CAMO/CT Team
Alexis Masterson and William Kasenchar, IT Specialist General Services Agency
Rob Martin FinOps Foundation
Closing Remarks
Jim Nelson, DoD CIO IE

APRIL 2023 - Modernization Plan
Ms. Lily Zeleke, Deputy CIO for Information Enterprise
Goal #1 Accelerate the DoD Enterprise Cloud Environment
DISA – Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) – Steven Rudy, JWCC Project Lead
Goal #2 Establish Department-wide Software Factory Ecosystem
CDAO – Technical Exchange Patterns with [x]BOMS – Erica Dretzka, Director, Future Analytic Architecture
Team 8 – Virtualization: Unlocking Software Modularity of Embedded Systems, Felix Cortez, Product Owner
Goal #3 Transform Processes to Enable Resilience and Speed
DoD CIO – Advancing Workforce Management – Dr. Cynthia Devita-Cochrane, Lead, DCWF Refresh Team
Closing remarks

MARCH 2023 - DoD cATO
Keynote Rob Vietmeyer, DoD CSO
Jeff Eyink, Chief Cybersecurity Implementation Division, OSD DoD CIO
Mckay Tolboe, Chief Cybersecurity Implementation Division, OSD DoD CIO
Navy RAISE 2.0
Edmond Kuqo, OPNAV N2N6 / DON CIO Detail, DevSecOps, Cybersecurity, Cloud
Closing George Lamb, Computer Scientist, DoD CIO
03-09-2023 DevSecOps CoP – DoD cATO-Navy RAISE 2.0 FINAL.pdf

FEBRUARY 2023 - Modernizing Aging Software
Garth McMurray, Professor of Systems Engineering Management, DAU
TCODE, TRANSCOM’s Software Factory Chris Lipe, TCODE Lead Engineer, Isaac Wright, Lead Information Systems Security Engineer and Tiffany Tucker, Configuration Management Lead
USMEPCOM, Modernizing Journey – 18 Months Later
Mathew Lince, Chief Information Officer, USMEPCOM
AEGIS Agile Journey – PEO IWS Forge Software Factory
Rick Jandrain, Software Acquisition Manager, Naval Sea Systems Command, PEO Integrated Warfare Systems

JANUARY 2023 - Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
Opening Remarks
Allan Dianic, OUSD R&E S&E Lead, R&E Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Lead
Daniel Hettema, Director Digital Engineering Modeling and Simulation, OSD OUSD R&E
MBSE and DevSecOps DOT&E
Andrew Pollner, President & CEO of ALP International Corporation
Chuck Rogal, MBSE Architect
Patrick Quilter, DSO SME
MBSE & DevSecOps and R&E
Dr. Bruce Douglass, Agile MBSE, Embedded Systems
Army MBSE Study
Alex Boydston, Electronics Engineer, USARMY DEVCOM AvM
Charlie Payne
Tyler Smith
John Shackleton
MBSE Scorecard
Dr. Omar Diaz, Principal Enterprise Engineer
Models in Test
Dr. Saurabh Mittal

DECEMBER 2022 - Contracting
Opening Remarks
Sean Brady (USD A&S AE SWP Lead)
Contracting for S/W Solutions RFI
Colleen Murphy (MITRE)
SWP Program Modular Contracting Strategy
Jennifer McBee/Capt James Hanley (Air Force Kessel Run)
Software Factory Contracting Approach
Doug Raney/James Crocker/Maj Karah Schneider (Air Force BESPIN)
Prototype & Production OT Awards for S/W Development
Maj Ben Leaf (USSOCOM Global Analytics Platform)
OT Award for Autonomy S/W Development & Test Platform
David Michelson (Defense Innovation Unit)
LTC Chris Orlowski (Army Robotic Combat Vehicle)

NOVEMBER 2022 - Testing and Evaluation in DevSecOps
Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) T&E in DevSecOps
Introduction: Lorie Sather – Division Chief
Ellen Preiss, Technical Director
Carter Farthing, T&E Automation
Zee Villafane, Operational Testing
Elaine Macari, Approved Products List
Testing and Evaluation (T&E) Documentation
Nilo Thomas, OSD/Office of the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, Strategic Initiatives, Policy, and Emerging Technologies
David Hoffman, DoD CIO Cloud and Software Modernization