Community of Practice (CoP)

Welcome to the DevSecOps Community of Practice!

Monthly meetings

MARCH 2023 - DoD cATO

MARCH 2023 - DoD cATO

Keynote Rob Vietmeyer, DoD CSO


Jeff Eyink, Chief Cybersecurity Implementation Division, OSD DoD CIO

Mckay Tolboe, Chief Cybersecurity Implementation Division, OSD DoD CIO

Navy RAISE 2.0

Edmond Kuqo, OPNAV N2N6 / DON CIO Detail, DevSecOps, Cybersecurity, Cloud

Closing George Lamb, Computer Scientist, DoD CIO

03-09-2023 DevSecOps CoP – DoD cATO-Navy RAISE 2.0 FINAL.pdf

FEBRUARY 2023 - Modernizing Aging Software

FEBRUARY 2023 - Modernizing Aging Software


Garth McMurray, Professor of Systems Engineering Management, DAU

TCODE, TRANSCOM’s Software Factory Chris Lipe, TCODE Lead Engineer, Isaac Wright, Lead Information Systems Security Engineer and Tiffany Tucker, Configuration Management Lead

USMEPCOM, Modernizing Journey – 18 Months Later

Mathew Lince, Chief Information Officer, USMEPCOM

AEGIS Agile Journey – PEO IWS Forge Software Factory

Rick Jandrain, Software Acquisition Manager, Naval Sea Systems Command, PEO Integrated Warfare Systems

02-09-2023 DevSecOps CoP – Aging Software FINAL.pdf

JANUARY 2023 - Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

JANUARY 2023 - Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

Opening Remarks

Allan Dianic, OUSD R&E S&E Lead, R&E Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Lead

Daniel Hettema, Director Digital Engineering Modeling and Simulation, OSD OUSD R&E

MBSE and DevSecOps DOT&E

Andrew Pollner, President & CEO of ALP International Corporation

Chuck Rogal, MBSE Architect

Patrick Quilter, DSO SME

MBSE & DevSecOps and R&E

Dr. Bruce Douglass, Agile MBSE, Embedded Systems

Army MBSE Study

Alex Boydston, Electronics Engineer, USARMY DEVCOM AvM

Charlie Payne

Tyler Smith

John Shackleton

MBSE Scorecard

Dr. Omar Diaz, Principal Enterprise Engineer

Models in Test

Dr. Saurabh Mittal

01-12-2023 DevSecOps CoP – MBSE FINAL.pdf

DECEMBER 2022 - Contracting

DECEMBER 2022 - Contracting

Opening Remarks

Sean Brady (USD A&S AE SWP Lead)

Contracting for S/W Solutions RFI

Colleen Murphy (MITRE)

SWP Program Modular Contracting Strategy

Jennifer McBee/Capt James Hanley (Air Force Kessel Run)

Software Factory Contracting Approach

Doug Raney/James Crocker/Maj Karah Schneider (Air Force BESPIN)

Prototype & Production OT Awards for S/W Development

Maj Ben Leaf (USSOCOM Global Analytics Platform)

OT Award for Autonomy S/W Development & Test Platform

David Michelson (Defense Innovation Unit)

LTC Chris Orlowski (Army Robotic Combat Vehicle)

12-08-2022 DevSecOps CoP – Contracting FINAL.pdf

NOVEMBER 2022 - Testing and Evaluation in DevSecOps

NOVEMBER 2022 - Testing and Evaluation in DevSecOps

Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) T&E in DevSecOps

Introduction: Lorie Sather – Division Chief

Ellen Preiss, Technical Director

Carter Farthing, T&E Automation

Zee Villafane, Operational Testing

Elaine Macari, Approved Products List

Testing and Evaluation (T&E) Documentation

Nilo Thomas​, OSD/Office of the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation​, Strategic Initiatives, Policy, and Emerging Technologies

David Hoffman, DoD CIO Cloud and Software Modernization

11-10-2022 DevSecOps CoP – JITC & T&E FINAL.pdf



Keynote: Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) Overview

Mr. Gregory Curth, Engineering Branch Chief, US JS J6/DDC5I/Cyber, Command & Control Operational Development Division

**WIDOW – Mission: To increase the speed, organization, and accuracy of planning tasks through real-time coordination and visualization of mission details **

Maj Brad “Ralphie” Short, USAF, WIDOW Founder &PEM/Lead Air Battle Manager DAF PEO C3BM

LCDR Andres Otero, USN Project Overmatch Deputy Program Manager Infrastructure

Roundtable Discussion and Q&A

Mr. Rick Jack, Distinguished C4ISR Software Engineer(SSTM) NIWC PAC

Maj Brad Short

LCDR Andres Otero

Container Governance Update

Mr. Dan Risacher, DoD CIO

10-13-2022 DevSecOps CoP Slides – JADC2 FINAL.pdf

SEPTEMBER 2022 - Software Acquisition Pathway

SEPTEMBER 2022 - Software Acquisition Pathway

Opening Remarks

Mr. Sean Brady, DoD Senior Lead for Software Acquisition

Navy Software Acquisition Pathway Experience

Ms. Melissa Naroski Merker, ASN RDA, DASN IWAR

Army Software Acquisition Pathway Experience

Mr. Ken Waldrop, ASA ALT, and Mr. Kent Gibson, Systems Engineer, USARMY PEO IEWS

Contracting Module

Ms. Colleen Murphy, Contracting and Acquisition SME, MITRE

Open Q&A

09-08-2022 DevSecOps CoP Slides – Acquisition V5.pdf

AUGUST 2022 - Testing 2.0

AUGUST 2022 - Testing 2.0


Ms. Sarah Standard, OUSD (R&E); Developmental Test, Evaluation and Analysis(DTE&A), The Cybersecurity/Interoperability Technical Director

Cybersecurity Operational Test and Evaluation Concept for Software Factories

Dr. Billy Robbins, IDA, follow-on discussion with Ms. Sarah Standard, and Mr. Nilo Thomas, OSD DOTE, Software and Cyber Action Officer


Intro to the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) Report

Ms. Sarah Standard

Cybersecurity and DoD System Development: A Survey of DoD Adoption of Best DevSecOps Practice

Mr. Lee Kennedy, Mr. Steve Wartik, Mr. Ryan Wagner, and Ms. Rachel Kuzio de Naray, Institute for Defense Analyses


JULY 2022 - Testing

JULY 2022 - Testing

Opening Remarks

Ms. Ellen Preiss, Technical Director, Enterprise Business Systems Division Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC), DISA

TRMC Testing Infrastructure Considerations for DevSecOps

Mr. Ryan Norman, Deputy Program Manager, Joint Mission Environment Test Capability / Director, Test & Training Enabling Architecture (TENA) Software

TAK.gov Introduction and Demo

Mr. Ryan McLean, TAK.gov Director

“Shift Left Testing with DevSecOps”

Mr. Hasan Yasar, Technical Director, Adjunct Faculty Member SEI/Carnegie Melon University

Chaos Engineering and Bowcaster

Mr. Omar Marrero, Chaos & Performance Tech Lead, O-CTO, Kessel Run

Closing Remarks Mr. Rob Vietmeyer, Director, Cloud and Software Modernization

07-14-2022 DevSecOps CoP Slides – Testing v5.pdf

JUNE 2022 - Software Factories

JUNE 2022 - Software Factories

Opening Remarks

Ms. Robin Yeman, Chief Technical Officer at Catalyst Campus for Technology and Innovation

Software Factories


Storehouse Software Factory – Ms. Candaice Deloach, Senior Scientific Technical Manager (SSTM) for Warfare Systems Software Science and Technology and Development

NAVFactory – Mr. David Smith, Division Manager, NAVFAC Information Technology Center (NITC)

Air Force

Hangar 18 – Mr. Matt Jacobsen, Director Hangar 18, Dr. Mark Reith, liaison to the AFIT graduate school and Mr. Matthew Dever, Director, Air Force Cyberspace Technical Center of Excellence, Air Force Institute of Technology

Defining Software Modernization Terminology

Mr. George Lamb, DoD CIO Computer Scientist

Software Factories Roundtable Q&A

Closing Remarks

Mr. Rob Vietmeyer, Director, Cloud and Software Modernization

06-09-2022 DevSecOps CoP Slides.pdf

MAY 2022 - Application Programing Interface (API) 2.0

MAY 2022 - Application Programing Interface (API) 2.0

Opening Remarks and API Introduction

Mr. Sean Brady, OSD OUSD (A&S)

Mr. Shane Smith, Principal Software Engineer, MITRE


Dr. Jimmy “Rev” Jones, PhD, NH-IV, SAF/AQLV, STITCHES Warfighter Application Team Lead

Mr. Rick Jack, Distinguished C4ISR Software Engineer(SSTM) NIWC PAC, CDR Rob Liu, COMNAVSPECWARCOM

Mr. Gray Brooks, Senior API Strategist, GSA, Ms. Angelica Jenkins, API Strategy Advocate


Closing Remarks

Mr. Allan Dianic, Director, Software Engineering OSD OUSD (R&E)


APRIL 2022 - Application Programming Interface (API)

APRIL 2022 - Application Programming Interface (API)

Opening Remarks

Mr. Rob Vietmeyer, OSD, DoD CIO Director, Cloud and Software Modernization

API Introduction

Mr. Sean Brady, OSD OUSD (A&S)

Mr. Shane Smith, Principal Software Engineer, MITRE

Program Executive Office Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions Data Transformation Services (PEO MLB DaTS)

Mr. Abiola Olowokere, USN PEO MLB Data Services and Information Intelligence Pillar Lead and team

Business Enterprise Systems Product INnovation (BESPIN)

Mr. James Crocker, CTO Lab Director, BESPIN and team

Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA)

Mr. Edward Moshinsky, SE Modernization Chief ENG Support


Mr. Jimmy “Rev” Jones, PhD, NH-IV, SAF/AQLV, STITCHES Warfighter Application Team Lead

Closing Remarks

Mr. Allan Dianic, Director, Software Engineering OSD OUSD (R&E)

04-14-2022 DevSecOps CoP Slides.pdf