Monthly meetings

Keynote: Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) Overview
Mr. Gregory Curth, Engineering Branch Chief, US JS J6/DDC5I/Cyber, Command & Control Operational Development Division
**WIDOW – Mission: To increase the speed, organization, and accuracy of planning tasks through real-time coordination and visualization of mission details **
Maj Brad “Ralphie” Short, USAF, WIDOW Founder &PEM/Lead Air Battle Manager DAF PEO C3BM
LCDR Andres Otero, USN Project Overmatch Deputy Program Manager Infrastructure
Roundtable Discussion and Q&A
Mr. Rick Jack, Distinguished C4ISR Software Engineer(SSTM) NIWC PAC
Maj Brad Short
LCDR Andres Otero
Container Governance Update
Mr. Dan Risacher, DoD CIO

SEPTEMBER 2022 - Software Acquisition Pathway
Opening Remarks
Mr. Sean Brady, DoD Senior Lead for Software Acquisition
Navy Software Acquisition Pathway Experience
Ms. Melissa Naroski Merker, ASN RDA, DASN IWAR
Army Software Acquisition Pathway Experience
Mr. Ken Waldrop, ASA ALT, and Mr. Kent Gibson, Systems Engineer, USARMY PEO IEWS
Contracting Module
Ms. Colleen Murphy, Contracting and Acquisition SME, MITRE
Open Q&A

AUGUST 2022 - Testing 2.0
Ms. Sarah Standard, OUSD (R&E); Developmental Test, Evaluation and Analysis(DTE&A), The Cybersecurity/Interoperability Technical Director
Cybersecurity Operational Test and Evaluation Concept for Software Factories
Dr. Billy Robbins, IDA, follow-on discussion with Ms. Sarah Standard, and Mr. Nilo Thomas, OSD DOTE, Software and Cyber Action Officer
Intro to the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) Report
Ms. Sarah Standard
Cybersecurity and DoD System Development: A Survey of DoD Adoption of Best DevSecOps Practice
Mr. Lee Kennedy, Mr. Steve Wartik, Mr. Ryan Wagner, and Ms. Rachel Kuzio de Naray, Institute for Defense Analyses

JULY 2022 - Testing
Opening Remarks
Ms. Ellen Preiss, Technical Director, Enterprise Business Systems Division Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC), DISA
TRMC Testing Infrastructure Considerations for DevSecOps
Mr. Ryan Norman, Deputy Program Manager, Joint Mission Environment Test Capability / Director, Test & Training Enabling Architecture (TENA) Software
TAK.gov Introduction and Demo
Mr. Ryan McLean, TAK.gov Director
“Shift Left Testing with DevSecOps”
Mr. Hasan Yasar, Technical Director, Adjunct Faculty Member SEI/Carnegie Melon University
Chaos Engineering and Bowcaster
Mr. Omar Marrero, Chaos & Performance Tech Lead, O-CTO, Kessel Run
Closing Remarks Mr. Rob Vietmeyer, Director, Cloud and Software Modernization

JUNE 2022 - Software Factories
Opening Remarks
Ms. Robin Yeman, Chief Technical Officer at Catalyst Campus for Technology and Innovation
Software Factories
Storehouse Software Factory – Ms. Candaice Deloach, Senior Scientific Technical Manager (SSTM) for Warfare Systems Software Science and Technology and Development
NAVFactory – Mr. David Smith, Division Manager, NAVFAC Information Technology Center (NITC)
Air Force
Hangar 18 – Mr. Matt Jacobsen, Director Hangar 18, Dr. Mark Reith, liaison to the AFIT graduate school and Mr. Matthew Dever, Director, Air Force Cyberspace Technical Center of Excellence, Air Force Institute of Technology
Defining Software Modernization Terminology
Mr. George Lamb, DoD CIO Computer Scientist
Software Factories Roundtable Q&A
Closing Remarks
Mr. Rob Vietmeyer, Director, Cloud and Software Modernization

MAY 2022 - Application Programing Interface (API) 2.0
Opening Remarks and API Introduction
Mr. Sean Brady, OSD OUSD (A&S)
Mr. Shane Smith, Principal Software Engineer, MITRE
Dr. Jimmy “Rev” Jones, PhD, NH-IV, SAF/AQLV, STITCHES Warfighter Application Team Lead
Mr. Rick Jack, Distinguished C4ISR Software Engineer(SSTM) NIWC PAC, CDR Rob Liu, COMNAVSPECWARCOM
Mr. Gray Brooks, Senior API Strategist, GSA, Ms. Angelica Jenkins, API Strategy Advocate
Closing Remarks
Mr. Allan Dianic, Director, Software Engineering OSD OUSD (R&E)

APRIL 2022 - Application Programming Interface (API)
Opening Remarks
Mr. Rob Vietmeyer, OSD, DoD CIO Director, Cloud and Software Modernization
API Introduction
Mr. Sean Brady, OSD OUSD (A&S)
Mr. Shane Smith, Principal Software Engineer, MITRE
Program Executive Office Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions Data Transformation Services (PEO MLB DaTS)
Mr. Abiola Olowokere, USN PEO MLB Data Services and Information Intelligence Pillar Lead and team
Business Enterprise Systems Product INnovation (BESPIN)
Mr. James Crocker, CTO Lab Director, BESPIN and team
Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA)
Mr. Edward Moshinsky, SE Modernization Chief ENG Support
Mr. Jimmy “Rev” Jones, PhD, NH-IV, SAF/AQLV, STITCHES Warfighter Application Team Lead
Closing Remarks
Mr. Allan Dianic, Director, Software Engineering OSD OUSD (R&E)

MARCH 2022 - Continuous Authorization to Operate (cATO)
Opening Remarks
Mr. David McKeown, DoD DCIO Cybersecurity & Chief Information Security Officer
Mr. Tony Plater, DON CISO, DON CIO
Continuous Authorization to Operate (cATO) Memorandum
Mr. McKay Tolboe, Chief Cybersecurity Policy and Implementation
Mr. Tyler Gesling, Cybersecurity SME, DoD CIO
cATO Discussion and Open Q&A
Moderated by Mr. Tyler Gesling
Mr. Daniel Holtzman, HQE, Cyber Technical Director, U.S. Air Force
Mr. Tony Plater, DON CISO, DON CIO
Col Jennifer Krolikowski, Director, Chief Information Officer, Space Force
Mr. McKay Tolboe, Chief Cybersecurity Policy and Implementation, DoD CIO CS
Closing Remarks
Mr. Tyler Gesling

FEBRUARY 2022 - Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
Opening Remarks
Ms. Michele Iversen, Director of Risk Assessment and Operational Integration
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
Dr. Allen Friedman, CISA, DHS
Mr. Paul De naray, DCIO(CS)/RAOI, Aerospace FFRDC
Mr. Matt Huston, CISO, CIO Platform One
Compliance as Code Demonstration
Mr. Peter Schmidt, DevSecOps Program Manager, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Mr. William Mohseni, Systems Engineer, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Mr. Randall Golden, ManTech, (providing the demonstration)

DECEMBER 2021 - Data
Alternative DevSecOps (Data Lab/SIGNUS construct)
Dr. Josef Allen, Technical Advisor, Air Combat Command Intel Data/Tech Futures Division
Mr. Christopher Smith, Director of Engineering for the Altitude Applied Insight’s Platform
Mr. Richard Qualis, Chief Architect of the HQ ACC/A29 SIGNUS System
Data Management/Data Governance
Dr. Allen (Primarily)
Dr. Carlos Otero, Consultant, Author, Award-Winning Faculty Member

NOVEMBER 2021 - A Fireside Chat on Metrics
Ms. Ana Kreiensieck Moderator
Dr. Mik Kersten CEO Tasktop Technologies
Mr. Bryan Finster Platform One
Lt Col Michael Tanner PM USAF

OCTOBER 2021 - Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
DevSecOps Enterprise Reference Design Documents 2.1
Mr. Jason Weiss, Chief Software Officer, OSD, DoD CIO
Infrastructure as Code Overview/Rapid Deployment
Mr. Dave Lago, Cloud Computing Program Office, DISA
Mr. Hsiao-Chuan Su, Cloud Engineer, DISA
Mr. Aaron Hunter, Principal Enterprise Cloud Engineer DODIN Joint Warfighter Capabilities
Mr. Michael Miller, CISSP, PMP, Contractor-VTG